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Dry Goods

We offer a range of Canadian foraged, teas, nuts and dry goods such as Labrador Tea, Juniper, Wild Rice, Wild Bergamot, and much more. Some of our nuts come from farms that do not spray, they are nuts native to Canada such as black walnut, northern pecans and hickory.
Wild Rice - Forbes Wild Foods
Wild Rice
De $9.95 - $325.00
Chaga Powder - Forbes Wild Foods
Chaga Powder
De $15.95 - $94.00
Heartnut - Forbes Wild Foods
De $5.00 - $12.00
Dried Balsam - Forbes Wild Foods
Dried Balsam
De $7.95 - $55.00
Chaga Pieces - Forbes Wild Foods
Chaga Pieces
De $26.95 - $89.00
Buy reishi
Sliced Reishi
De $40.00 - $82.00