Fresh Fiddleheads
We are unable to ship fresh products this year due to numerous shipping delays. We hope to have this sorted for 2021 Fresh items may be available for pick up from our 1385 Danforth Ave. Location - call or email - 416-927-9106.
Fresh Fiddleheads are available in Canada only!Fiddleheads are from the young shoots of the Ostrich fern - Matteuccia struthiopteris - which are found across Canada, from the coasts of Labrador to islands of British Columbia. As a fresh vegetable, they are only available for a few short weeks each spring. They pop up in clumps with seven fronds unfurling to create the ferns that blanket the forest floor and riverbeds from coast to coast. When harvesting make sure to source from a clean place and not down stream from agriculture and only harvest 3 of the 7 fiddleheads that come up with each plant. Any more and you risk hampering future growth. When cooking, it is important to boil them in two changes of salted water, for roughly 2.5 – 3 minutes in each bath. Totaling roughly 6 minutes of cooking time. Raw fiddleheads will often (not always) be bitter, this is because the papery husk has seeped tanning into the fiddleheads, however changing the water will remove the bitter tannins and leave you with something closer to green beans in flavour and a tightly furled butter sponge. We also have Preserved fiddleheads year round that are crunchy and fresh tasting, and available to customers everywhere. Fresh wild harvested fiddleheads. 1kg packages of young ostrich fern fronds. Our fiddleheads come from New Brunswick and Ontario.
Fresh Fiddleheads are available in Canada only!Fiddleheads are from the young shoots of the Ostrich fern - Matteuccia struthiopteris - which are found across Canada, from the coasts of Labrador to islands of British Columbia. As a fresh vegetable, they are only available for a few short weeks each spring. They pop up in clumps with seven fronds unfurling to create the ferns that blanket the forest floor and riverbeds from coast to coast. When harvesting make sure to source from a clean place and not down stream from agriculture and only harvest 3 of the 7 fiddleheads that come up with each plant. Any more and you risk hampering future growth. When cooking, it is important to boil them in two changes of salted water, for roughly 2.5 – 3 minutes in each bath. Totaling roughly 6 minutes of cooking time. Raw fiddleheads will often (not always) be bitter, this is because the papery husk has seeped tanning into the fiddleheads, however changing the water will remove the bitter tannins and leave you with something closer to green beans in flavour and a tightly furled butter sponge. We also have Preserved fiddleheads year round that are crunchy and fresh tasting, and available to customers everywhere. Fresh wild harvested fiddleheads. 1kg packages of young ostrich fern fronds. Our fiddleheads come from New Brunswick and Ontario.
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